VERECO's unique UT WM+CD in-line inspection tools contain 2 measurement systems - UT wall thickness measurement and crack detection sensor arrays.
These tools provide the most comprehensive and complete data on the pipeline condition after just one inspection run - synchronized and aligned.
COMBO tools have been successfully run worldwide and are available for pipeline sizes starting from 14" and higher.
Running COMBO tools is advantageous in both economical and operational aspects, especially in case of gas lines inspection requiring significant resources and man-hours to arrange liquid batches and related facilities
Numerous pipelines woldwide are not equipped with full size pig traps suitable for running conventional ILI tools, but they have provision for routine pigging operations - so called 3-way pig valves capable of accomodating short cleaning pigs in the role of launchers/receivers
VERECO designed and built single module MFL and caliper tools that can be launched and received using standard pig valves.
The provide the same data quality as our conventional MFL and Caliper tools, but even easier to handle, launch and receive.
Running our ultra-short tools in fact makes these pipelines "ILI-piggable" though they were not designed for ILI originally.